Saturday April 5, 1890


Gleanings about town.

Church and Society Notices

St. Anne’s Catholic Church – J.F. Claney, Pastor, Services every other Sunday at 9 o’clock A.M.

Methodist Episcopal Church – Rev. Wm. Clark, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10:30 A.M. and 7:30 P.M. Sabbath school at 12 M. Class meeting at 7 P.M.

German Evangelical St. Paul’s Church – Rev. E. Rahn, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10:30 A.M. Sabbath school at 9:30 A.M.

German Evangelical Church – Rev. A. Huelster, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10:30 A.M. Evening services at 7:30 P.M. Sabbath School at 9 A.M.

Lounsburt Lodge, No. 751, -- meets at their hall the second and fourth Saturdays of each month. C.H. Austin, W. M.;  A. Gleason, S.W.: C. H. Lines, J.W.; H.T. Abbott, Treas.; F. O. Willmarth,Sec.; L. A. Powers, M.D.; Albert Ulitech, J.D.; Stewart Miller, T.

Barrington Post, No. 275, G.A.R. Department of Ill. – meet every second Friday in the month at Colburn’s Hall. F. J. Buck, Commander; K. Purcell. S.V.C.; Fred Weisman, J.V.C.; L. Krahn, S.; Stewart Miller, Chaplain; A. Gleason, Q.M.;  A.S. Henderson, O.D.; C.G. Senn, O.G.

W.R.O., No. 85 – meet the second and fourth Wednesday of each month. Mrs. R. Lombard, Pres. Miss R. Brockway, Sec.

M.W.A., No. 800meet first Saturday of each month, at Lamey’s Hall. D.A. Smith, V.C.; John Robertson, W.A.; C.H. Kendall, E.B.; C.H. Austin, Clerk; H.K. Brookway, E.; Fred. Kirschner, W.; Wm. Antholtz, S.

Did you get fooled Tuesday?

House cleaning has commenced.

Mr. P. Castle spent Sunday at home.

Mrs. Dunning is quite ill, at Dundee.

For a good cigar go to A.L. Waller’s.

Mr. Edward Heimerdinger was at home Sunday.

Amos Keller, of Nunda, was in town Tuesday.

For Fire or Accident Insurance, call on M.T. Lamey.

Remember village election occurs Tuesday, April 15th.

People’s $2.30 shoes are taking the lead. For sale at A.W. Meyers.

Mr. Charles Flint is now day operator at the tower on the new road.

Jos. G. Catlow has purchased the Pester property, consideration $1800.

Miss Mary Kellog, of Elgin, is the guest of her uncle, Mr. Holmes.

Mr. and Mrs. H. Golding, of Wauconda, called on friends here last week.

There will be an Easter concert at the M. E. church Sunday evening.

Mrs. Agnes Young visited her brother Mr. T. Catlow, at Chicago, Sunday.

Miss Mand Gray spent two weeks with Miss M. Schultz at Palatine, recently.

Will Gieske moved on his farm Tuesday when he bought of Mr. Rastings recently.

Miss Tillie Schoppe went to Chicago on Thursday, where she will do dressmaking.

Wm. Hill has just finished a fine specimen of graining at A.L. Waller’s drug store.

Mr. John Schoppe has commenced a business course at the Metropolitan Business College.

Mrs. Rojgers, of Chicago, visited her sister, Mrs. E. W. Shipman, a few days his week.

A.L. Waller’s drug store is now complete, and is as fine as the average town drug supports.

Miss. B. A. Lamey has gone to Vulcan, Mich., for a short time. Mrs. C. Heimerdinger is sick.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schweim buried their daughter, Florence, aged 2 years, last Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Boehmer, of Wheeling, have been here visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Meyer.

Mrs. F. Grisswold and Miss Ella Harris, of Wauconda, spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Miller last week.

M. Domenowske, who announced himself as candidate for collector this year, withdrew in favor of Ernest Rieske.

Mrs. S. H. Gilette and son, of Sheboygan Falls, Wis., are here on a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Loomis.

We are glad to say that Mr. J.O. Sellick is able to be around again. Mr. Sellick and wife called on friends at Nunda, Monday.

The Sons of Veterans organized at Colburn’s Hall, Wednesday evening. The W.R.C. and the G.A.R. met the same evening.

Mr. T.V. Slocum received a car load of Solid Comfort Sulky Plows Monday. Mr. L.E.E. Runyan is agent for them in this vicinity.

Mr. August Wessel lost $50 on the second Barrington train Wednesday evening. Finder would show their honesty by returning it.

D. McCarn has rented the blacksmith shop, formerly owned by Matthew Pester, and intends to open up a shop to do horseshoing, etc.

Mr. John Gray, of Kelley, Ia., has been visiting his sister, Mrs. Gray, and Miss Nellie has returned home with him where she will spend a short time.

For Sale
First class saloon, with barns in connection, and located on corner lot. 200x85 feet. Apply to Ignatz Kutta, Barrington, Ill.

For Sale
A jet black full blooded Norman stallion coming 4 years old, 18 hands high, weight 1,650 pounds. Address, Garret Frye, Barrington, Ill.

Store for sale or rent, -- Having disposed of my stock of goods on account of poor health, I now offer to sell or rent my “Main Store” in Stott’s Block. Apply to W.T. Stott.

A.W. Meyer has just received a large assortment of wall paper, window shades, curtains, carpets, etc. Anyone wishing anything in his line will do well to call before purchasing elsewhere.

Miss Dora Holister has furnished several parties in this vicinity with a valuable book entitled “Corporal Si Klegg and his Pard.” It is sold at a reasonable price and should be read by everyone.

I wish to announce to the people of Barrington and vicinity that I am a candidate for collector during the coming spring election. – M. Domenowske.

Ex-Bishop R. Dubbs spoke at the German Evangelical Church Sunday Evening, to a very large and attentive audience. There were no services at any of the other churches that evening, and it was almost impossible to accommodate all with seats.

Tuesday, April 15th, the election for president and three trustees will occur. Every citizen should turn out and vote that day, and make sure that the names on your tickets are persons that are for improvements. We are now way behind our neighbors in that respect.

At last we are glad to tsay that the Village Board have taken their first step toward some thing for protection against fire, and hope that the resolutions as passed with receive speedy attention, and that work to accomplish its end will be commenced soon as possible.

A man killed Thursday morning – name unknown.
An unknown man was found killed on the C.& N. W. Ry. About three o’clock Thursday morning. 1 ½ miles west of Barrington, by the engineer and fireman Miller, of train No. 152, going south. They found him under the engine and brought him to Barrington. The back part of his head is badly smashed, leg and arm mangled. The face is not disfigured much, and could be easily identified by anyone that knew him.

Sunday School Report.
Report of the Sunday School of the Evangelical Association of Barrington, Ill:
Average Attendance, 200.
Expended last year in Sunday school $110.
Expended for missionary cause…………43
The other schools did not give a report.

Town Elections.
The town elections passed off very quietly Tuesday, there being but little opposition. Below is given the candidates with the vote received:
Town of Barrington. For Supervisor, E.R. Clark, 194; For Town Clerk, C.A. Aberding, 112; and A.J. Hendrickson, 82; for Assessor, J.W. Kingsley, 116; and F. A. Lageschulte, 80; for Collector, Fred Beinhoff, 126; and Ernest 72; for Road Commissioner, Fred Homuth, 192; and for School Trustee, Geo. Jackson, 193.
Below is given the result of the election in the Town of Cuba Tuesday, with votes received:
For Supervisor, Henry Meier, 141; for Town Clerk, H. Kampert, Jr., 142; for Assessor, Charles Davlin, 142; for Collector, Fred Kirschner, 86; and John C. Meier, 55; for Road Commissioner, ----------, 85; and P. Sinnett, 57; and for Constable, Fred Kirschner, 92; and John C. Meier, 50.

School Convention
The annual convention of the Barrington township convention commenced at the M.E. Church on Tuesday of this week at 2:30 p.m. Mr. Wilson, of Chicago, conducted a very interesting meeting for teachers. At four o’clock a children’s meeting was conducted by Mr. Standen, who illustrated the past quarter’s lessons with pictures which greatly pleased the boys and girls.
At. 7 p.m. song service was held in the Evangelical Church, Mr. McIntosh presiding. Addresses were made by the pastors present, Revs. Clark and Huelstier, also by Mrs. McIntosh, and Mrs. Rev. Clark read a paper. Mr. Wilson told us the points of analogy between the day school and Sunday school. Mr. Standen answered the question “what more can be done for our Sunday school cause in this town”.
H.A. Harnden was elected president for next year and Miss Frye re-elected secretary. The meeting them adjourned.

Village Board Meeting
The Village Board met in regular session Wednesday evening, all members present. The following bills were ordered paid.
L.D. Castle -- $1 42
J.C. Meier – 1 50
Rudolph Stack – 1 50
John Jahnke – 1 50
James Sizes – 1 50
Charles Rochow – 1 50
Wm Haeger – 4 00
Total -- $12 92
C. H. Austin and J. C. Plagge were elected clerks, and E.R. Clark and L.D. Castle judges of the annual village election which occurs Tuesday, April 15th.
The following communication was read by L.D. Castle and motion made and carried, that it be accepted.
Whereas, the late destructive fire has emphasized the fact that this village was entirely helpless in such an emergency, and
Whereas, such to a state of things is very detrimental to the best interests of the village, seriously retarding its growth, being a great embarrassment to its business men and citizens, keeping the rate of insurance at so high a rare as to be nearly, or quite prohibitive, rendering the employment of capital for trade, manufacturers or improvements of any kind extra hazardous, and
Whereas, there seems to be a feeling amounting almost to a demand that something should be done in the near future to afford protection, therefore
Resolved, that E.R. Clark and H.C.P. Sandman be appointed a special Committee to investigate and report to this board at its next regular meeting, the best plan or plans to be adopted for protection against fire, with the probable cost of said plan or plans including water supply, and be it further
Resolved, that said Committee be requested and instructed to make this investigation thorough and exhaustive, to investigate any and all plans that may come to their knowledge or to which their attention may be called, to the end that this board may have accurate information upon which to base future action, and be it further
Resolved, that said Committee be authorized to expend time and money sufficient to enable them to carry out the full intent and meaning of these resolutions.
Motion was the made and carried that the adjourn until the next regular meeting.